Source code for acc.plotting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Weijia Sun
# @Date:   2020-04-07 13:09:23
# @Last Modified by:   Weijia Sun
# @Last Modified time: 2020-04-10 20:56:45

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import (FormatStrFormatter, MultipleLocator,
                               AutoMinorLocator, FixedLocator, FixedFormatter, MaxNLocator)
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
from matplotlib.markers import MarkerStyle
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, LinearSegmentedColormap

from acc.stack import linear_stack
from acc.profile import profile, get_profile_boxes
from import _load_json
from acc.migration import mig_one_station

import numpy as np
import warnings
from obspy import Stream
from obspy import read
from obspy.geodetics import gps2dist_azimuth

from collections import OrderedDict

import os
import glob
import math

[docs]def plot_acc_one_station(stream, fname=None, fig_width=7., trace_height=0.5, stack_height=0.5, scale=2, scale_stack=10, fillcolors=("red", "blue"), # trim=None, info=(('back_azimuth', u'baz (°)', 'C0'), ('distance', u'dist (°)', 'C3'))): """ Plot auto- or correlogram for one station. Reproduced from the `rf` package. :param stream: stream to plot :param fname: filename to save plot to. Can be None. In this case the figure is left open. :param fig_width: width of figure in inches :param trace_height: height of one trace in inches :param stack_height: height of stack axes in inches :param scale: scale for individual traces :param fillcolors: fill colors for positive and negative wiggles :param info: Plot one additional axes showing maximal two entries of the stats object. Each entry in this list is a list consisting of three entries: key, label and color. info can be None. In this case no additional axes is plotted. """ # :param trim: trim stream relative to onset before plotting using # `~.rfstream.RFStream.slice2()` if len(stream) == 0: return stream.sort(keys=["slowness"]) # if trim: # stream = stream.slice2(*trim, reftime='onset') N = len(stream) # calculate lag times # stats = stream[0].stats # print(stats) # times = stream[0].times() - (stats.onset - stats.starttime) times = stream[0].times() # calculate axes and figure dimensions # big letters: inches, small letters: figure fraction H = trace_height HS = stack_height FB = 0.5 FT = 0.2 DW = 0.2 FH = H * (N + 2) + HS + FB + FT + DW h = H / FH hs = HS / FH fb = FB / FH ft = FT / FH FL = 0.5 # figure left FR = 0.2 # figure right FW = fig_width # figure width FW3 = 0.8 FW2 = FW - FL - FR - (DW + FW3) * bool(info) fl = FL / FW fr = FR / FW fw2 = FW2 / FW fw3 = FW3 / FW # init figure and axes fig = plt.figure(figsize=(FW, FH)) ax1 = fig.add_axes([fl, fb, fw2, h * (N + 2)]) if info: ax3 = fig.add_axes( [1 - fr - fw3, fb, fw3, h * (N + 2)], sharey=ax1) info = list(info) info[0] = [ax3] + list(info[0]) if len(info) > 1: ax4 = ax3.twiny() info[1] = [ax4] + list(info[1]) # plot individual receiver functions def _plot(ax, t, d, i): c1, c2 = fillcolors if c1: ax.fill_between(t, d + i, i, where=d >= 0, lw=0., facecolor=c1) if c2: ax.fill_between(t, d + i, i, where=d < 0, lw=0., facecolor=c2) ax.plot(t, d + i, 'k') # max_ = max(np.max(np.abs( for tr in stream) for i, tr in enumerate(stream): # _plot(ax1, times, / max_ * scale, i + 1) tr.normalize() _plot(ax1, times, * scale, i + 1) # plot right axes with header information for ax, header, label, color in info: data = [tr.stats[header] for tr in stream] ax.plot(data, 1 + np.arange(len(stream)), '.' + color, mec=color) ax.set_xlabel(label, color=color, size='small') if header == 'back_azimuth': ax.set_xticks(np.arange(5) * 90) ax.set_xticklabels(['0', '', '180', '', '360'], size='small') else: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4)) for l in ax.get_xticklabels(): l.set_fontsize('small') ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) # set x and y limits ax1.set_xlim(times[0], times[-1]) ax1.set_xlim(times[0], times[-1]/2) ax1.set_ylim(-0.5, N + 1.5) ax1.set_yticklabels('') ax1.set_xlabel('time (s)') ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) # plot stack # stack = stream.stack() trace = linear_stack(stream=stream, normalize=True) stack = Stream([trace]) if len(stack) > 1: warnings.warn('Different stations or channels in one RF plot.') elif len(stack) == 1: stack.normalize() ax2 = fig.add_axes([fl, 1 - ft - hs, fw2, hs], sharex=ax1) _plot(ax2, times, stack[0].data * scale_stack, 0) for l in ax2.get_xticklabels(): l.set_visible(False) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4)) for l in ax2.get_yticklabels(): l.set_fontsize('small') # annotate plot with seed id bbox = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=0.8, lw=0) text = '%s traces %s' % (len(stream), stack[0].id) ax2.annotate(text, (1 - 0.5 * fr, 1 - 0.5 * ft), xycoords='figure fraction', va='top', ha='right', bbox=bbox, clip_on=False) ax2.set_ylim(-1., 1.) # save plot if fname: fig.savefig(fname) plt.close(fig) else: return fig
[docs]def plot_ppoint(stream, fname="pp.pdf", depths=[30, 50, 80, 100, 150, 200]): colors = ["gray", "red", "blue", "orange", "green", "magenta", "cyan", "chocolate", "pink", "royalblue"] if len(depths) > 10: raise Exception("too many depths. Should be less than 10.") fig, ax = plt.subplots() for tr in stream: df = tr.stats.mig ax.scatter(tr.stats.station_longitude, tr.stats.station_latitude, c="black", marker="v", s=100) for i, depth in enumerate(depths): df2 = df[df["depth"] == depth] lat = df2["lat"].to_numpy() lon = df2["lon"].to_numpy() ax.scatter(lon, lat, c=colors[i], label=depth) handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = OrderedDict(zip(labels, handles)) ax.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys(), title="Depth (km)") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(fname)
[docs]def plot_profile(jsonfile): kwargs = _load_json(jsonfile) paras = kwargs["profile"] latlon0 = paras["latlon0"] if latlon0 is None: # for a single station azimuth = 0 dist = 400 else: # for profile latlon1 = paras["latlon1"] lat1 = latlon0[0] lon1 = latlon0[1] lat2 = latlon1[0] lon2 = latlon1[1] dist, azimuth, baz = gps2dist_azimuth(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) dist /= 1000 # from m to km # padding 100 km on each side dist += 400 lat0 = lat1 + math.cos((azimuth + 180)*math.pi/180) * 200 / 111.195 lon0 = lon1 + math.sin((azimuth + 180)*math.pi/180) * 200 / 111.195 latlon0 = (lat0, lon0) binsize = paras["binsize"] binwidth = paras["binwidth"] nbins = int(dist / binsize + 0.5) + 1 dist = (nbins - 1) * binsize bins = np.linspace(0, dist, nbins) # print(bins) profile_id = paras["profile_id"] path = kwargs["io"]["outpath"] depth_range = kwargs["plot"]["depth_range"] # each stations if latlon0 is None: files = glob.glob(path + "/migration_1station/*.pkl") files.sort() for file in files: stmig = read(file) lat0 = stmig[0].stats.station_latitude - \ 0.5 * (bins[-1] + bins[0]) / 111.195 lon0 = stmig[0].stats.station_longitude latlon0 = (lat0, lon0) boxes = _plot_1station(stmig, latlon0, azimuth, bins, width=binwidth, savepath=path, depth_range=depth_range, **kwargs) # profile else: wc = paras["wild_card"] files = glob.glob(path + "/migration_1station/*%s*.pkl" % wc) print("number of stations to stack: ", len(files)) # stmig = Stream() # for file in files: # st = read(file) # stmig += st # parallel reading print("Loading data from disk") from tqdm import tqdm import multiprocessing stmig = Stream() stlst = [] pool = multiprocessing.Pool() for st in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(read, files), total=len(files)): stlst.append(st) pool.close() pool.join() for st in stlst: stmig += st boxes = _plot_stations(stmig, latlon0, azimuth, bins, width=binwidth, savepath=path, depth_range=depth_range, profile_id=profile_id, **kwargs) # write the pos and latlon path = os.path.join(kwargs["io"]["outpath"], "pos") try: os.makedirs(path) except: pass # in some case, user do not set the name profile_id leading to the filename of '.dat', # which is invisible under Linux systems. if profile_id != "": fn = os.path.join(path, profile_id + ".dat") else: fn = os.path.join(path, "pos.dat") fp = open(fn, "w") fp.write("pos lat lon\n") for b in boxes: fp.write("%.1f %.4f %.4f\n" % (b["pos"], b["latlon"][0], b["latlon"][1])) print(b["pos"], b["latlon"][0], b["latlon"][1]) fp.close()
[docs]def _plot_1station(stmig, latlon0, azimuth, bins, width, savepath, depth_range, **kwargs): # get boxes for mig-stacking boxes = get_profile_boxes(latlon0, azimuth=azimuth, bins=bins, width=width) # depth and stack array pos, depth, stack = profile(stream=stmig, boxes=boxes) # the setting makes the station location in the center of the image pos -= 0.5 * (bins[-1] - bins[0]) dist_range = [-100, 100] # get station id tr = stmig[0] if tr.stats.location == "": station_id = ".".join([, tr.stats.station]) else: station_id = ".".join( [, tr.stats.station, tr.stats.location]) print("Plotting - station id: ", station_id) # latitude corresponding to pos lats = [] for b in boxes: # print(b["pos"], b["latlon"]) lats.append(b["latlon"][0]) extent = [np.min(pos), np.max(pos), np.min(depth), np.max(depth)] # extent = [np.min(lats), np.max(lats), np.min(depth), np.max(depth)] # normalization stack /= np.max(np.abs(stack)) amp = np.sum(stack, axis=1) amp /= np.max(np.abs(amp)) # print(extent) paras = kwargs["plot"] # image factor iclip = paras["image_scale"] # waveform factor wclip = paras["wavef_scale"] figsize = tuple(paras["figsize"]) width_ratios = paras["width_ratios"] # return amp, stack, extent _plot(amp, depth, stack, extent, dist_range, depth_range, savepath, profile_id=station_id, wclip=wclip, iclip=iclip, figsize=figsize, width_ratios=width_ratios) # save netcdf path = os.path.join(kwargs["io"]["outpath"], "netcdf4") try: os.makedirs(path) except: pass filen = os.path.join(kwargs["io"]["outpath"], "netcdf4", station_id+".nc") write_netcdf4(pos=pos, dep=depth, data=stack, file=filen) return boxes
[docs]def _plot_stations(stmig, latlon0, azimuth, bins, width, savepath, depth_range, profile_id, **kwargs): paras = kwargs["plot"] iclip = paras["image_scale"] wclip = paras["wavef_scale"] figsize = tuple(paras["figsize"]) width_ratios = paras["width_ratios"] # get boxes for mig-stacking boxes = get_profile_boxes(latlon0, azimuth=azimuth, bins=bins, width=width) # print("get boxes for mig-stacking done") # depth and stack array print("\nCRP migration and stacking") pos, depth, stack = profile(stream=stmig, boxes=boxes) # print("stacking done") # the setting makes the station location in the center of the image # pos -= 0.5*(bins[-1]-bins[0]) if paras["dist_range"] is None: dist_range = [np.min(pos), np.max(pos)] else: dist_range = paras["dist_range"] # get station id # tr = stmig[0] # if tr.stats.location == "": # station_id = ".".join([, tr.stats.station]) # else: # station_id = ".".join([, tr.stats.station, tr.stats.location]) print("Plotting - profile id: ", profile_id) # latitude corresponding to pos lats = [] for b in boxes: # print(b["pos"], b["latlon"]) lats.append(b["latlon"][0]) extent = [np.min(pos), np.max(pos), np.min(depth), np.max(depth)] # extent = [np.min(lats), np.max(lats), np.min(depth), np.max(depth)] # normalization stack /= np.max(np.abs(stack)) amp = np.sum(stack, axis=1) amp /= np.max(np.abs(amp)) # print(extent) # return amp, stack, extent _plot(amp, depth, stack, extent, dist_range, depth_range, savepath, profile_id=profile_id, wclip=wclip, iclip=iclip, figsize=figsize, width_ratios=width_ratios) # save netcdf path = os.path.join(kwargs["io"]["outpath"], "netcdf4") try: os.makedirs(path) except: pass if profile_id != "": filen = os.path.join(kwargs["io"]["outpath"], "netcdf4", profile_id + ".nc") else: filen = os.path.join(kwargs["io"]["outpath"], "netcdf4", "") write_netcdf4(pos=pos, dep=depth, data=stack, file=filen) return boxes
[docs]def _plot(amp, depth, stack, extent, dist_range, depth_range, savepath, profile_id, wclip=1, iclip=1, figsize=(5.2, 3), width_ratios=[0.6, 2]): # init figure and axes N = 256 rdbu_r = cm.get_cmap('RdBu_r', N) newcolors = rdbu_r(np.linspace(0, 1, N)) white = np.array([255 / 255, 255 / 255, 255 / 255, 1]) a = int(N / 2 - N / 20) b = int(N / 2 + N / 20) newcolors[a:b, :] = white newcmp = ListedColormap(newcolors) # print(figsize) fig, (ax2, ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=figsize, sharey=True, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': width_ratios}) im = ax1.imshow(stack*iclip, interpolation='bilinear', aspect="auto", origin="lower", extent=extent, cmap=newcmp, vmin=-1, vmax=1) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(50)) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(10)) ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(50)) ax1.grid(which="both", axis="y", linestyle=":", linewidth=0.5) # ax1.annotate(profile_id, # xy=(0.995, 0.995), xycoords='axes fraction', # # xytext=(0.95, 0.05), textcoords=station_id, # # arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05), # horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top') ax1.set_ylim(depth_range) ax1.set_xlim(dist_range) ax1.invert_yaxis() # ax1.invert_xaxis() ax2.plot(amp*wclip, depth, linewidth=0.75, color="k", alpha=0.7) ax2.fill_betweenx(depth, 0, amp*wclip, where=amp >= 0, facecolor='red', alpha=0.7) ax2.fill_betweenx(depth, 0, amp*wclip, where=amp < 0, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.7) ax2.grid(which="both", axis="y", linestyle=":", linewidth=0.5) ax2.set_xlim([-1, 1]) ax2.set_xlabel("Amplitude") ax2.set_ylabel("Depth [km]") cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax1) cbar.set_label("Amplitude") ax1.set_xlabel("Distance [km]") # ax1.set_ylabel("Depth [km]") ax1.set_title(profile_id, fontsize=10) ax2.set_title("Stacked", fontsize=10) plt.tight_layout() path = savepath + "/figures" if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) filen = path + "/mig_crp_" + profile_id for fmt in [".pdf", ".png"]: fn = filen + fmt plt.savefig(fn) plt.close()
[docs]def write_netcdf4(pos, dep, data, file): import netCDF4 as nc ds = nc.Dataset(file, "w", format="NETCDF4") ds.createDimension("distance", len(pos)) ds.createDimension("depth", len(dep)) ds.createVariable("distance", np.float32, ("distance",)) ds.createVariable("depth", np.float32, ("depth",)) ds.variables["distance"][:] = pos ds.variables["depth"][:] = dep ds.createVariable("data", np.float32, ("depth", "distance")) ds.variables["data"][:] = data ds.close()