Source code for acc.processing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import glob
import commentjson
from import _load_json, _get_event_id_tr, _get_station_id, _get_noise_id
from acc.core import spectral_whitening, time_norm, rotation, remove_response
from acc.util import iter_time, IterMultipleComponents
from acc.core import _find_start_end_time

from obspy.signal.filter import envelope
from obspy import read, Stream, Trace

from scipy.signal import correlate
import numpy as np

from tqdm import tqdm
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
import logging

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.NOTSET, format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(message)s',
                    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
                    filename="acc.processing.log", filemode="a"

[docs]def processing_event_Z(jsonfile): """ processing vertical component of event data :param jsonfile: :return: """ # load imported data from files kwargs = _load_json(jsonfile) njobs = kwargs["njobs"] datapath = kwargs["io"]["outpath"] + "/0_raw""This may take a lot of time if dataset is huge.") # get filenames in Unix style for further processing files = glob.glob(datapath + "/*/*.pkl")"%d files found.", len(files)) # processing includes downsampling, detrend, demean, # instrument response removal, spectral whitening, temporal normalization # autocorrelation and filter, then output results. do_work = partial(_proc_event_Z, **kwargs) numbers = [] if njobs == 1:'do work sequential (%d cores)', njobs) for file in tqdm(files, total=len(files)): num = do_work(file) numbers.append(num) else:'do work parallel (%d cores)', njobs) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(njobs) for num in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(do_work, files), total=len(files)): numbers.append(num) pool.close() pool.join()"%d/%d files processed.", sum(numbers), len(files))
[docs]def processing_event_full(jsonfile): # load imported data from files kwargs = _load_json(jsonfile) njobs = kwargs["njobs"] datapath = kwargs["io"]["outpath"] + "/0_raw""This may take a lot of time and consume internal memory if dataset is huge.") # get filenames in Unix style for further processing files = glob.glob(datapath + "/*/*.pkl")"%d files found.", len(files)) # read files st = Stream() for file in files: st += read(file) sampling_rate = kwargs["preprocessing"]["sampling_rate"] # processing includes downsampling, detrend, demean, a large dataset st = _simple_proc(st, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, njobs=njobs) # instrument response removal, spectral whitening, temporal normalization # autocorrelation and filter, then output results. _proc_event_full(st, **kwargs)
[docs]def _proc_event_full(st, **kwargs): """ processings including :param st: :param kwargs: :return: """ # instrument response removal, spectral whitening, temporal normalization # autocorrelation and filter, then output results. def iter3c(stream): # for an event, there is always "onset" return IterMultipleComponents(stream, key="onset", number_components=(2, 3)) # resp removal, rotation, spectral whitening, temporal normalization tasks = iter3c(st) # loop over streams in each stream containing the 3-component traces do_work = partial(_proc_event_rst, **kwargs) njobs = kwargs["njobs"] numbers = []"deep processing for full event correlogram.") print("deep processing for full event correlogram.") if njobs == 1:'do work sequential (%d cores)', njobs) for task in tqdm(tasks, total=len(tasks)): num = do_work(task) numbers.append(num) else:'do work parallel (%d cores)', njobs) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(njobs) for num in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(do_work, tasks), total=len(tasks)): numbers.append(num) pool.close() pool.join()"%d/%d files processed.", sum(numbers), len(tasks))
[docs]def _proc_event_rst(st, **kwargs): """ processing including rotation, spectral whitening and temporal normalization. and cross-correlation. :param st: :param kwargs: :return: 1 if processing successfully. .. Note:: rst is short as Rotation Spectral whitening and Temporal normalization. """ # calculation SNR # trace = Trace() for tr in st: if[-1] in ["Z", "L"]: trace = tr.copy() snr = _cal_event_snr(tr=trace) snr_threshold = kwargs["data_selection_event"]["snr_threshold"] if snr < snr_threshold: return 0 for tr in st: tr.stats.update({"snr": snr}) # remove instrumental response if kwargs["rm_resp_on"]: option_resp = kwargs["preprocessing"]["resp"] st2 = Stream() for tr in st: tr = remove_response(trace=tr, **option_resp) st2.append(tr) st = st2.copy() # st: stream containing 3-comp traces of an event recorded by a station # Rotation, Spectral whitening, and Temporal normalization rotation_method = kwargs["preprocessing"]["rotation_method"] st = _rot(st, method=rotation_method) # spectral whitening if kwargs["whiten_on"]: option_whiten = kwargs["preprocessing"]["whiten"] st2 = Stream() for tr in st: tr = spectral_whitening(tr=tr, **option_whiten) st2.append(tr) st = st2.copy() # temporal normalization if kwargs["time_norm_on"]: option_time_norm = kwargs["preprocessing"]["time_norm"] st2 = Stream() for tr in st: tr = time_norm(tr, **option_time_norm) st2.append(tr) st = st2.copy() # correlation # trace_l = Trace() # trace_q = Trace() # trace_t = Trace() for tr in st: if[-1] in ["Z", "L"]: trace_l = tr.copy() elif[-1] in ["R", "Q"]: trace_q = tr.copy() elif[-1] in ["T"]: trace_t = tr.copy() else: logging.warn("unknown trace channel.", # auto and cross correlation # auto options = kwargs["correlate"] cc_ll = _crosscorrelation(tr1=trace_l, tr2=trace_l, **options) # cross options = kwargs["cross_correlate"] cc_ql = _crosscorrelation(tr1=trace_q, tr2=trace_l, **options) cc_tl = _crosscorrelation(tr1=trace_t, tr2=trace_l, **options) trace_l = cc_ll.copy() trace_q = cc_ql.copy() trace_t = cc_tl.copy() # rename channel name if rotation_method == "NE->RT": chn = ["ZZ", "RZ", "TZ"] elif rotation_method == "ZNE->LQT": chn = ["LL", "QL", 'TL'] = chn[0] = chn[1] = chn[2] # write into disk for tr in [trace_l, trace_q, trace_t]: trace_id = station_id = _get_station_id(tr) event_id = _get_event_id_tr(tr) filename = trace_id + "_" + event_id + ".pkl" outpath = kwargs["io"]["outpath"] + "/1_results" filepath = "/".join([outpath, station_id]) # if not os.path.exists(filepath): try: os.makedirs(filepath) except: pass # extracting data, to have the same length of output data tlen = kwargs["correlate"]["window"] tlen = abs(tlen[1] - tlen[0]) tr.trim(starttime=tr.stats.starttime, endtime=tr.stats.starttime + tlen, fill_value=0, pad=True) filen = filepath + "/" + filename force = kwargs["io"]["force"] if not force and os.path.exists(filen): pass else: tr.write(filen, format="PICKLE") return 1
[docs]def _rot(st, method="NE->RT"): """ rotation. :param st: :param method: "NE->RT", "ZNE->LQT". :return: .. Note:: the code can handle 'Z12', '123', 'ZNE'. It requires trace header of component_azimuth and component_inclination. if method == "NE->RT", then the two components rotation will be applied. But while the components are "123" or "Z12", they are rotated to "ZNE" first. """ st3c = st.copy() # the rotating traces should have the same starttime and endtime tmin, tmax = _find_start_end_time(stream=st3c) if tmin > tmax: return 0 st3c.trim(starttime=tmin, endtime=tmax) # handling the borehole components 1, 2, Z or 1, 2, 3. comp = [] for tr in st3c: comp.append([-1]) comp.sort() cc = "".join(comp) if cc == "12Z": cc = "Z12" # rotate2zne if cc in ["123", "Z12"]: zne = rotate2zne(st3c[0].data, st3c[0].stats.component_azimuth, st3c[0].stats.component_inclination, st3c[1].data, st3c[1].stats.component_azimuth, st3c[1].stats.component_inclination, st3c[2].data, st3c[2].stats.component_azimuth, st3c[2].stats.component_inclination ) for tr, new_data, component in zip(st3c, zne, "ZNE"): = new_data =[:-1] + component # rotate to various coordinates # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # print(st3c) # tr ="BHZ")[0] # fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) # ax[0].plot(tr.times(), st3c.rotate(method=method) # tr ="BHL")[0] # ax[0].plot(tr.times(), # ax[0].set_xlim([670, 700]) # plt.tight_layout() # # os._exit(0) return st3c
[docs]def _proc(tr, sampling_rate=10): """ Basic processing including downsampling, detrend, and demean. :param tr: raw trace :param sampling_rate: :return tr: trace after processing """ # deep copy tr2 = tr.copy() tr2.interpolate(sampling_rate) tr2.detrend(type="linear") tr2.detrend(type="demean") return tr2
[docs]def _simple_proc(st, sampling_rate=10, njobs=1): """ A parallel version of `_proc`, i.e., Basic processing including downsampling, detrend, and demean. :param st: an obspy stream :param sampling_rate: expected sampling rate :param njobs: number of jobs or CPU to use :return st: stream after processing """ # downsampling, detrend, demean do_work = partial(_proc, sampling_rate=sampling_rate) # trace_list = [] # for tr in st: # trace_list.append(tr) # st2 = Stream()"simple processing for full event correlogram.") print("simple processing for full event correlogram.") if njobs == 1:'do work sequential (%d cores)', njobs) for tr in tqdm(st, total=len(st)): tr2 = do_work(tr) st2.append(tr2) else:'do work parallel (%d cores)', njobs) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(njobs) for tr2 in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(do_work, st), total=len(st)): st2.append(tr2) pool.close() pool.join() return st2
[docs]def _proc_event_Z(file, **kwargs): """ Processing a single component Z including downsampling, detrend, demean, remove instrumental response, selection of data by SNR>threshold, spectral whitening, temporal normalization and auto-correlation. For event type data. :param file: :param kwargs: :return: """ try: # read file and return an obspy trace tr = read(file)[0] # process z-component only. if[-1] is not "Z": logging.warning("component is not Z: %s", file) return 0 # first step is downsamping data to reduce computational burden sampling_rate = kwargs["preprocessing"]["sampling_rate"] tr.interpolate(sampling_rate) tr.detrend(type="linear") tr.detrend(type="demean") options = kwargs["data_selection_event"] snr_threshold = options["snr_threshold"] snr = _select_data_event(tr, **options) if snr < snr_threshold: return 0 tr.stats.update({"snr": snr})"%s SNR is %f", file, snr) # remove instrumental response if kwargs["rm_resp_on"]: option_resp = kwargs["preprocessing"]["resp"] tr = remove_response(trace=tr, **option_resp) # spectral whitening if kwargs["whiten_on"]: option_whiten = kwargs["preprocessing"]["whiten"] tr = spectral_whitening(tr=tr, **option_whiten) # temporal normalization if kwargs["time_norm_on"]: option_time_norm = kwargs["preprocessing"]["time_norm"] tr = time_norm(tr, **option_time_norm) # autocorrelation options = kwargs["correlate"] tr = _autocorrelation(tr, **options) # write data to disk = "ZZ" # change trace channel to 'ZZ' after autocorrelation trace_id = station_id = _get_station_id(tr) event_id = _get_event_id_tr(tr) filename = trace_id + "_" + event_id + ".pkl" outpath = kwargs["io"]["outpath"] + "/1_results" filepath = "/".join([outpath, station_id]) # if not os.path.exists(filepath): try: os.makedirs(filepath) except: pass # extracting data, to have the same length of output data tlen = kwargs["correlate"]["window"] tlen = abs(tlen[1] - tlen[0]) tr.trim(starttime=tr.stats.starttime, endtime=tr.stats.starttime + tlen, fill_value=0, pad=True) filen = filepath + "/" + filename force = kwargs["io"]["force"] if not force and os.path.exists(filen): pass else: tr.write(filen, format="PICKLE") return 1 except: return 0
[docs]def _autocorrelation(tr, window=[-20, 70], filter=[0.5, 4], corners=2, zerophase=True): """ Autocorrelation for event type data. :param tr: :param window: :param filter: A tuple or a list containing the lower and upper limit of filter. :param corners: :param zerophase: :return: .. Note:: filter after autocorrelation. """ tr2 = tr.copy() t1 = tr2.stats.onset + window[0] t2 = tr2.stats.onset + window[1] tr2.trim(starttime=t1, endtime=t2) npts = tr2.stats.npts data = cc = correlate(in1=data, in2=data, mode="full") = np.copy(cc) if filter is not None: tr2.filter(type="bandpass", freqmin=filter[0], freqmax=filter[1], corners=corners, zerophase=zerophase) =[npts:] return tr2
[docs]def _crosscorrelation(tr1, tr2, window=[-20, 70], filter=[0.5, 4], corners=2, zerophase=True): """ cross-correlation for event type data. :param tr1: :param tr2: :param window: :param filter: :param corners: :param zerophase: :return: """ tra = tr1.copy() trb = tr2.copy() reverse = False if tra.stats.phase == "S": if == # in this case, it is autocorrelation, which means SS window = window else: # in this case it is cross correlation over ZR/LQ or ZT/LT corresponding with Sp RF. # using different time window since converted P arrives earlier than the primary S. # if a window [-20, 70] is given, then a window [-70, 20] will be used in this case. w1, w2 = window window = [-w2, -w1] reverse = True t1 = tr2.stats.onset + window[0] t2 = tr2.stats.onset + window[1] tra.trim(starttime=t1, endtime=t2) trb.trim(starttime=t1, endtime=t2) npts = tra.stats.npts data = datb = cc = correlate(in1=data, in2=datb, mode="full") tr = tra.copy() = np.copy(cc) tr.filter(type="bandpass", freqmin=filter[0], freqmax=filter[1], corners=corners, zerophase=zerophase) if reverse: = np.copy([::-1]) =[npts:] return tr
[docs]def _select_data_event(tr, dist_range=[30, 90], magnitude=[5.0, 9.0], snr_threshold=2.0, signal=[-10, 10], noise=[-100, -50], waterlevel=1.0e-8): # select according to SNR distance = tr.stats.distance if distance < dist_range[0] or distance > dist_range[1]: return 0 try: mag = tr.stats.magnitude if mag < magnitude[0] or mag > magnitude[1]: return 0 except: pass # calculate SNR snr = _cal_event_snr(tr, signal=signal, noise=noise, waterlevel=waterlevel) return snr
[docs]def _cal_event_snr(tr, signal=[-10, 10], noise=[-100, -50], waterlevel=1.0e-8): """ Calculation of SNR for event data. :param tr: :param signal: :param noise: :param waterlevel: :return: """ tr_sig = tr.copy() tr_noi = tr.copy() t1 = tr.stats.onset + signal[0] t2 = tr.stats.onset + signal[1] if t1 < tr.stats.starttime or t2 > tr.stats.endtime: logging.warning("t1 < tr.stats.starttime") return 0 tr_sig.trim(starttime=t1, endtime=t2) t1 = tr.stats.onset + noise[0] t2 = tr.stats.onset + noise[1] if t1 < tr.stats.starttime or t2 > tr.stats.endtime: logging.warning("t1 < tr.stats.starttime") return 0 tr_noi.trim(starttime=t1, endtime=t2) sig = envelope( noi = envelope( snr = np.max(sig) / max(np.max(noi), waterlevel) return snr
[docs]def processing_noise_Z(jsonfile): """ Parallel processing of noise autocorrelation. :param jsonfile: :return: """ # load imported data from files kwargs = _load_json(jsonfile) njobs = kwargs["njobs"] datapath = kwargs["io"]["outpath"] + "/0_raw""This may take a lot of time if dataset is huge.") # get filenames in Unix style for further processing files = glob.glob(datapath + "/*/*.pkl")"%d files found.", len(files)) # processing includes downsampling, detrend, demean, # instrument response removal, spectral whitening, temporal normalization # autocorrelation and filter, then output results. do_work = partial(_proc_noise_Z, **kwargs) numbers = [] if njobs == 1:'do work sequential (%d cores)', njobs) for file in tqdm(files, total=len(files)): num = do_work(file) numbers.append(num) else:'do work parallel (%d cores)', njobs) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(njobs) for num in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(do_work, files), total=len(files)): numbers.append(num) pool.close() pool.join()"%d/%d files processed.", sum(numbers), len(files))
[docs]def _proc_noise_Z(file, **kwargs): """ Internal functions of calculate z-comp autocorrelation for noise data. :param file: :param kwargs: :return: """ # read file and return an obspy trace tr = read(file)[0] # process z-component only. if[-1] is not "Z": return 0 # first step is downsamping data to reduce computational burden sampling_rate = kwargs["preprocessing"]["sampling_rate"] tr.interpolate(sampling_rate) tr.detrend(type="linear") tr.detrend(type="demean") # remove instrumental response if kwargs["rm_resp_on"]: option_resp = kwargs["preprocessing"]["resp"] tr = remove_response(trace=tr, **option_resp) # spectral whitening if kwargs["whiten_on"]: option_whiten = kwargs["preprocessing"]["whiten"] tr = spectral_whitening(tr=tr, **option_whiten) # temporal normalization if kwargs["time_norm_on"]: option_time_norm = kwargs["preprocessing"]["time_norm"] tr = time_norm(tr, **option_time_norm) # sliding autocorrelation options = kwargs["correlate_noise"] st = _sliding_autocorrelation(tr=tr, **options) # extracting data tlen = kwargs["correlate"]["window"] tlen = abs(tlen[1] - tlen[0]) for tr in st: tr.trim(starttime=tr.stats.starttime, endtime=tr.stats.starttime + tlen, fill_value=0, pad=True) # write data to disk for tr in st: = "ZZ" # change trace channel to 'ZZ' after autocorrelation trace_id = station_id = _get_station_id(tr) event_id = _get_noise_id(tr) filename = trace_id + "_" + event_id + ".pkl" outpath = kwargs["io"]["outpath"] + "/1_results" filepath = "/".join([outpath, station_id]) # if not os.path.exists(filepath): try: os.makedirs(filepath) except: pass filen = filepath + "/" + filename force = kwargs["io"]["force"] if not force and os.path.exists(filen): pass else: tr.write(filen, format="PICKLE") return 1
[docs]def _sliding_autocorrelation(tr, length=3600, overlap=1800, filter=[0.5, 4], corners=2, zerophase=True): """ Sliding autocorrelation for noise data. :param tr: :param length: :param overlap: :param filter: :param corners: :param zerophase: :return: """ trace = tr.copy() time_series = iter_time(tr=trace, length=length, overlap=overlap) # print(time_series) if len(time_series) < 1: return 0 st = Stream() for t1, t2 in time_series: tr2 = trace.copy() tr2.trim(starttime=t1, endtime=t2) # get gaps gap_st = Stream([tr2]) gaps = gap_st.get_gaps() if len(gaps) > 0: continue npts = tr2.stats.npts data = cc = correlate(in1=data, in2=data, mode="full") = np.copy(cc) tr2.filter(type="bandpass", freqmin=filter[0], freqmax=filter[1], corners=corners, zerophase=zerophase) =[npts:] st.append(tr2) if len(st) < 1: return 0 else: return st